To comply Fairfax County Solid Waste Management requirements, we operate Lorton Burnett field under the following safety requirements.
- Everyone must wear safety vests at all times on the Landfill property.
- Do NOT enter the Admin Building to sign the log book. Instead, follow the instructions in the Members Area and at the field to send a text message to the onsite supervisors.
The Lorton Burnett field is a great flying location, and all NVRC Members and Guests are welcome to attend any NVRC event held here.

General flying at this field on our new GeoText Runway.
You must wear a reflective vest while on site at all times. Vests are available at the big home improvement stores and on Amazon for about seven dollars.
Multi-rotors (drones), helicopters, autonomous flight controllers, and FPV flight are not allowed at Lorton field.
Bring your own charging equipment and pack out your trash. There is no generator onsite or charging station.
Field Hours
The field is open for flying from 8am to 4pm every day the I-95 Landfill Complex Disposal Center is open. Everyone must leave the landfill complex before 4:00 pm except Christmas Eve (1:00pm) and New Years’s Eve (2:00pm). If you are at the field after the closing time, the front gate will be locked and you will need to contact the site supervisor to be let out. DO NOT BE THAT PERSON.

The address for Lorton / Burnett field is:
Fairfax County Recycling and Disposal Center
9850 Furnace Rd,
Lorton VA 22079
Before entering the Fairfax County Recycling and Disposal facility, follow the instructions in the Members Area to send a text message to the onsite supervisors. The operators at the site control tower will notify the supervisor of any civilian vehicles entering the back area of the facility.
For site access please come to the field, no need to stop at the main office. After you enter the facility and pass around the weigh-in scale, you will see the main administration building with the flagpole on your right. Pass the administration building parking lot and then take the left hand turn to Lot D onto Earl Delanuder Road. Stay on the main road as it bears to the right. At the first Stop sign make a left. To your right on top of the hill you should be able to see the field and metal shelter from the main road. Turn right at the access road and follow road up the hill to the field.
Do NOT enter the Admin Building.
Click the image below for a large printable size map.

Remember to put on your safety vest when you enter the facility and keep it on the entire time you are at the facility. If you don’t have a safety vest, they are about $7 at a home improvement store. If you forget it, we have a couple spares in the shed.
Lorton/Burnett Field Rules
Flying the Pattern

Make sure to call out the Announcements loudly enough for everyone on the flight line to hear you.
How to Read the Windsock