Come fly with us at Poplar Ford Quinn Field!
We have a great grass runway with clear approaches, flight stands at the pilot stations, charging hookups (just bring alligator clips for free 12v) and a pavilion for some shade. Come by on most any sunny day to visit – and as long as you have an active AMA card and your plane with you, join a member for a flight or two! If you don’t have a plane yet, come on by and say hi anyway – if one of our field trainers are there we’ll get you up in the air with a buddy box!
Field Hours
Unless closed by NOTAM or Fairfax County maintenance operations, the field is open for electric flying 7 days a week from 8:00am to dusk. Wet fuel engines that meet the sound requirements (see detailed field rules) are welcome from 9am to dusk. In this case we define dusk the same as aviation’s “civil twilight” period, or 30 minutes after sunset.
Poplar Ford Park
6714 Bull Run Post Office Road
Centreville, Virginia 20120
To reach the flying area, go through the entrance area (gate is locked with combination on membership card) and follow the main trail for perhaps 500 yards, then follow the turn to the right and go another 500, or so, yards.
Horse Riders on the Field Access Road
If you encounter a horse back rider on any part of the road to or from the field, you must do the following:
*Wait for the horse rider to pass OR to wave you on to pass
*If the horse rider waves you on to pass and move forward, do so slowly and on the side of the road
If for some reason you are unclear how to proceed, get out of your car and speak directly to the horse rider for instructions on how to proceed safely.
Be careful when exiting the field where the new and old road intersect. You should always have a speed of no more than 10mph when traveling up and down the road.
Field Rules
No changes are allowed to the field landscape without prior approval from Fairfax County Park Authority. If you have a plane stuck in a tree, you are NOT allowed to cut branches or otherwise damage the tree. Grab one of the long poles from the field shed and poke it out, or leave a note on the RC Groups forum for help.

Flying the Pattern

Make sure you are calling the announcements loudly enough for everyone on the flight line to hear you.
How Read the Windsock